Vespa Sidecar / Sespan Vespa
Vespark Sidecar Hubungi WA Service untuk pemesanan Sespan
Due to popular demand from customers, we also supply custom made Vespa sidecar from Vespark for all types of Piaggio and Vespa. We can ship around Indonesia and overseas for export. We have shipped to Barcelona, Iran, Dubai, Canada, USA, etc…
Dengan permintaan dari pecinta Vespa, kami menyediakan sespan dari Vespark untuk segala jenis Vespa. Bisa dikirim se-Indonesia dan sering kirim ke luar negeri. Tersedia untuk sespan kanan untuk Eropa.
Right side or Left side available, please see more pictures below:
Classic or Modern Vespa:
We can supply sidecar for your classic Vespa as long as they are still available. For example we can do the sidecar for PX
Purpose: FUN! FAMILY! PETS! Just Enjoy your ride
Why get a Vespa sidecar, get it as a collection, a hobby, a fun ride to enjoy with your family, friends and even your Pets! Get it as a gift to your family! For your business display or photography!
Check this video of Vespa sidecar Fun ride with Pets
Sidecar Specifications:
The sidecar is made from fiberglass for light weight yet strong, held by metal frame complete with suspension and wheel, a solid metal connecting plate customized to fit the different types of Piaggio / Vespa scooters. Our sidecar use a removable but strong connecting plate to connect to your Vespa, hence not permanent so you can easily remove the sidecar when needed.
Kapsul sespan dibuat dengan fibregrlass agar tidak berat namun tetap kokoh dengan rangka besi yang kuat dan konektor besi untuk kunci ke unit scooter. Konektor tidak permanen dan bisa dibuka jika perlu
Our sidecar is 150cm long and 50cm wide, when fitted with frame and wheels, sidecar is 100cm wide. See photos and spec sheet below for complete measurements
Ukuran dan dimensi sespan terperinci di gambar
Long Legroom & Strong
Our sidecar is build for large adults, long legroom for tall passengers 1.9m or 100kg can seat comfortably inside. Technically, our sidecar is strong enough to carry over 300kg of load.
Sespan kita didesign untuk muat dewasa dan bisa muat dewasa setinggi 190cm atau 100kg. Secara teknikal, sespan kita kuat untuk angkut 300kg..
Rear and front driving lights are provided including rear turn signal for safety riding. Wirings are already included to connect to existing lights.
Sespan dilengkapi dengan lampu depan, lampu belakang dan lampu sign, disamping sespan agar aman dikendalli saat dimalam hari
Compartment & Rear View
A rear lockable compartment for you to keep your bags/helmets, seat cover or other shopping.
Tersedia juga bagasi belakang yang anda bisa kunci dan simpan tas, jaket, ataupun helm kecil
Seats & Armrest
Synthetic leather seat will be matched with your Vespa seats. Matching Armrest is also available for comfort and luxury look
Jok kulit MB tech dengan warna yang bisa sesuaikan dengan jok Vespa anda, Tersedia juga opsi armrests agar lebih mewah dan nyaman.
Above photos are some examples of sidecars seat colors, we try to match as close as possible but it will not be 100% match due to different brand materials and photo match is impossible unless we have the same model in our showroom. Please note the photos above have a different color Vespa attach as we just use our test ride unit to attach and test run before delivery.
Optional Seat Cover
Our sidecar is weatherproof, rain water that gets in will not flood the sidecar, it will drip off.
Optional seat cover for your sidecar is available to cover up the seat from weather, more luxury look, or keep things out of sight if you want to carry things inside.
NB: Photo of our two Vespa GTS sidecar in different color with different matching seats+cover attach to our test ride unit for test run before delivery.
Sspan kita tahan hujan, air yang masuk kedalam akan keluar dari lobang didalam. Tersedia juga opsi penutup sespan dengan jok matching. Agar lebih bersih, kering dari hujan, terlihat lebih mewah dan juga aman untuk simpan barang bawaan shopping anda.
Adjustable Windshield / Windscreen
An acrylic adjustable windscreen for wind and weather protection for passengers. Windscreen can be folded down for easier access in and out of sidecar or removed for a sportier look. The acrylic of the Windscreen can also be cut/shaped to match sprint/vespaS sportier look.
NB: the brown paper on the windshield is to protect the acylic for shipping
Windscreen acrylic tersedia untuk penumpang agar lebih nyaman dari angin. Bisa di lipat kedepan untuk akses keluar masuk ataupun di lepas untuk kelihatan sporty. Acrylic juga bisa dipotong petak untuk sesuaikan dengan lampu petak Vespa S, Sprint.
Foot Step for Easy Access
Our sidecar comes with a foot step for easy access
Tersedia juga sidestep untuk mudah akses keluar masuk
Optional Wheels for Sidecar
We can match the wheels for your sidecar with original Vespa wheels/rims according to the Vespa you order (if available in our country). The standard sidecar wheel is 10″ classic type. Please specify the model of your Vespa and wheel option to complete the perfect look of your Vespa sidecar.
Kami bisa menyediakan opsi velg original Vespa sesuai dengan jenis type Vespa anda. Velg standard adalah klasik 10″. Anda bisa pesan velg GTS, Primavera, Sprint atau lainnya sesuai jenis Vespa anda agar terlihat lebih sempurna
Types of Sidecar
We only have one sidecar capsule design which we have designed to suit all types of Vespa. However, there is a difference in the fittings for different models of Vespa. Please let us know which Vespa model you will be ordering from us. The price will be the same, we just have to give you the right fittings. We can cater for all types of Vespa or even other makes/brands of scooters.
Kami hanya ada satu jenis kapsul sespan yang sudah didesign agar cocok untuk semua type Vespa. Namun fitting, konektor untuk setiap jenis Vespa berbeda. Berikut adalah jenis-jenis Vespa sesuai frame konektor
As a general guide, for modern Vespa, the fittings are:
- Primavera / Sprint
- LX, S, LXV
- Classics PX, others please let us know your models
Right Side or Left Side Sidecar
Depending on your traffic rules in your country, we can make right side or left side sidecar for export.
Tersedia sespan kiri dan kanan untuk sesuaikan dengan negara anda
We can make sidecar for right hand drive or left hand drive and can ship the sidecar to all countries. Please specify which side you prefer your sidecar.
For sidecar export inquiry in English, please email to bobby(at)
NB: Please note, the sidecar is made locally by Vespark (Vespark Sidecar)
Please provide us with the following information when you email your inquiry and send us a photo of your Vespa so we can match the colors:
- Type of Vespa
- Color to match
- Capsule on the Left or Right side of the Vespa
- Upholstery, seat color, optional seat cover and armrest
- Wheels to match
- Destination, name of Port of entry
Production and Stock
Please enquire for stock and production. We usually have some left sidecar in stock and will take about 3 weeks for painting, leather and tests before delivery. For Indonesia cities, it usually take about 7-10 days to deliver. We can organize with your local Vespa dealer for fitment.
Silakan tanya stok sespan kami, biasanya kami ada stok sespan kiri dan akan memerlukan waktu sekitar 3 minggu untuk cet, pasang jok, testing sebelum pengiriman. Untuk Indonesia, biasanya perlukan waktu 7-10 hari unutk pengiriman. Kami bisa minta bantuan dealer di kota anda untuk pemasangan.
For right sidecar, we will need another 4 weeks for production and 4 weeks to get ready including packing. Total 8 weeks order time. Fitting instructions will be included.
Untuk sespan kanan, akan memerlukan waktu tambahan 4 minggu untuk custom order dan 4 minggu untuk packing dan delivery. Total 8 minggu dari terima deposit order. Tersedia instruksi cara pemasangan
Or browse our instagram posts on Vespa Sidecar
Packing for Export
We pack our sidecar with care for export:
Sidecar will be shipped complete:
Fitting instructions will be provided, there are only 4 screws to fit the sidecar. Any workshop can fit this for you. For Indonesia, we can contact local Vespa dealers to help you connect the sidecar.
- Sidecar Wrapped with bubble wrapping and cardboard wrapping
- Boxed up with wood, fumigated for export
- Size of packing 173cm long, 103cm wide, 92cm high total 2 (cubic meter) at GW 130kg, NW 65kg
Here are some photos of our packing for export
There are two kinds of packing and export, the photos above are for sidecar only. The photos below are packing with Vespa unit. Please make sure you understood all the necessary information for you to import the sidecar with or without Vespa into your country. We only deliver to port
Check this video on Vespa LX red sidecar ship complete with Vespa to Timor Leste
Check out our video post on our customer testing Vespa LX sidecar to ship to Dubai
Quality Control test ride Sidecar by our mechanic before shipment
NB: Please note, the latest specifications may varied from the above photos as we continuously improve on building a better sidecar for our customers.